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What is Health & Wellness & Quality of Life?

Heart Disease, Arthritis, Stroke, Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity....

  • 75% of USA Health Care dollars go to treating "Chronic Diseases"

  • One in every Two USA Adults have 1 or more Chronic Diseases

  • 90% are over the age of 65 and have 2 or more Chronic Disease

How Do We Treat the Cause of Chronic Disease?

Research in general shows tai chi to be very beneficial in general for Health. In the last 25 years over 500 articles have been published about the Benefits of Tai Chi.

Not sure what tai chi or Qigong is?  Give it a try on us.  Contact us for your first complementary class.
What is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi originates in ancient China.  It is an internal form of martial arts, but is used mainly here for health and wellness benefits.

Tai Chi Videos

© 2017 Harmony in Motion Tai Chi & Qigong TOLEDO; created using

Contact us

Martin School Common Space

10 S. Holland Sylvania Road

Room 206

Toledo, OH 43615

Use back parking lot, Enter through middle double green doors.


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